Yaddo , New York, Residence et exposition à l’issue du séjour de travail en résidence d’artiste. -Air Gallery New York City exposition de dessins.
Les Tanneries, Amilly, France, installation de 18 pièces «Carcasses» et sculptures dans le parc.
Espace Vallès, Saint Martin d’Heres, "Invasion": One person show, Grenoble, France.
Drawing Exhibition AIR Gallery, NYC January 2017 curated by Barbara Zucker
Strasbourg Art Fair Guest of Honnor Composite (with the sound of Composer John Nichols)
-Pharsalia "The Commission", Installation of a monumental work with composer John Nichols.
-The Telfair Museum Jepson Center, Georgia. Hot Pink. Installation in the museum atrium.
-Houston Public Library "Fire", Anne Ferrer, monumental sculpture in the Library Atrium.
-Nicole Longnecker; Anne Ferrer, one-person show.
-Red Arrow Contemporary, Blow UP, monumental and large inflatable sculptures and watercolors.
-Fonds regional d'Art Contemporain, "vitrines" Galleries Lafayette Strasbourg, celebrating 30 years of FRAC Alsace.
-Taubman Museum of Art, Virginia. Commission for a monumental sculpture, Hot Pink for the museum atrium, and exhibition of recent drawings and models.
-Rupert Ravens Gallery, New Jersey, installation of 6 large muti-tentacles inflatable animated constructions.
-La Roche Guyon, "Green Shots", creation of a large scale inflatable sculpture, Conceived in a performative design workshop with Sara Franceschelli (epistemologist at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon and head of the research program ensadlab dynlan- dynamic landscapes at EnsAD),with the "Ateliers de morphologie EHESS- EnsAD - Morphogenèse et dynamiques urbaines", the project invites the user to interact in its evolutive process. (
-The LAB Gallery, New York, Billowing Beauty, curator Edward Rubin, monumental installation with the collaboration of composer Carol Worthey. Nominated best show in a commercial Gallery by AICA (American Art Critic Association)
-Opera Comique Paris, Hot Pink, with La Famille,
-Rupert Ravens, a large installation of 6 inflatable Berlingots sculptures in the gallery windows for the New Jersey Art Festival.
-The Blue Star Arts Center San Antonio Texas, installation « Country Wave ».
-Maison Secall, Torreilles, France. Exhibition: Sang et Or, 4 monumental sculpture installation and new Drawings.
-Cactus Bra Blue Star Gallery Country Living, drawings, San Antonio Texas.
-Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Drawings from Un p’tit Tour Chez les Vivants, with Author Marie Darrieusecq, Paris.
-Villa Arson, Nice, France, Bibliophilie, a project initiated by French Ministery of Culture. Exhibition and publication of an artist book edition with writer Marie Darrieusecq, Un p’tit Tour Chez les Vivants.
-Centre Georges Pompidou, Forum, Machine, monumental modulable and inflatable installation, inviting the public to physically (touch, smell hear,..) experience the work. Collaboration with Centre Pompidou Chirdren workshop.
-La Courneuve Art Park, France, Art Grandeur Nature, commission for floating fiberglass sculptures for the lake. Esther Williams 1 et 2. La Courneuve, France.
- Maison des Arts de Malakoff, Brasse le vent, exhibition on the two floors of Malakoff 18th century Hotel Particulier and in the garden, two outdoor sculpture installations.
- Parcours Saint-Germain, Sonia Rykiel, Wall of Flower. Commission for of a textile wall on Rykiel façade. Boulevard Saint Germain, Paris
- Nuit Blanche, Grande Bibliothèque, curator Camille Morineau. Cabane Gourmande, Nuit Blanche". Creation of edible Macaroons with Pastry Chef Chocolatier Jean Paul Hévin, Paris.
-Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Luxembourg "Alter Ego", indoor ans outdoors exhibition. The conception of two monumental sculptures, made with Ripstop fabric, blowing with the wind.
-National Museum of La Paz, Anne Ferrer, with Culture France, La Paz, Bolivia.
-Galerie & Christophe Daviet, Fioritures personal exhibition/cration of an artist book and creation of a limited wallpaper edition (300)
-Musée d’Art Moderne de Collioure Avec des Fleurs, Curator, Josephine Matamoros. Collioure, France.
-Musee de l’Image Populaire, Strasbourg, Dites-le moi avec des Fleurs, selection of drawings, Pfaffenhoffen.
-French Institute Rome, à Fleur de Peau, installation of large-scale textile sculptures, Piazza Navonne, Rome Curator F.Talbot.
-Galerie d’Aubusson, Museum of French Tapestry, with Ecole Superieure d’Art de Limoges, Anne Ferrer.
-Lac du Domaine Départemental de Chamarande, Truie Nénuphar, Floating monumental sculpture, Chamarande, France.
-FRAC (Fonds Regional d’Art Contemporain), Alsace, Dites-le avec des Fleurs, with catalog Sélestat, Strasbourg.
-Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Les Fleurs du Mâle, catalog of the artist work. Paris.
1997 CLM/BBDO Champ Libre, Sparring patners, Issy les Moulineaux, France; catalog of the exhibition. Large sculpture installation inviting the visitors to punch in the textile bags.. .
1996 Galerie Jacqueline Moussion, Jour de Fête, Paris
1995 Ho Ham Museum, Seoul, monumental sculpture commission for exhibition Mises en Scènes, creation of a fragrance with “nose” Gilles Maillebiau from Maison Nina Ricci, Seoul Corea.
1994 Galerie Jacqueline Moussion, Nuits de Noces, Paris
-FIAC, Grand Palais, “Bêtes Galantes”, creation of 12 wearable performance costumes, and performance in the Grand Palais, with 12 students from parsons School of Design..
1993 FRAC des Pays de la Loire, 10th international Ateliers, Loire region. Clisson.
- Hôtel de Ville, Hôtel Huger,«Les Images du Plaisir», La Flèche
-Institut de la Juventud, La Casa de Americas "Confrontationes", Madrid
-Galerie Jacqueline Moussion, Découvertes, Paris
-Musée d'Art Moderne de La Ville de Paris, Ateliers 92, installation of the Carcasses, Paris.
-Institut Français de Naples, Crèche Napolitaine, Naples
-L’Embarcadère Anne Ferrer, Lyon
-L’Abreuvoir Anne Ferrer, Strasbourg
1991 FRAC Midi-Pyrénées, L’Art d’Accommoder les Restes , Toulouse
1988 Yale University, Thesis Show, Trip to Haeven, New Haven, Connecticut.

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-Sculptrices , Foundation Villa Datris, France.
- 30 years of Fonds Regional Art Contemporain in Alsace, Selestat, France.

-UNESCO, Go West, Group exhibition with artists from Texas and France. Curator Karine Parker-Lemoyne, the Mayor of Houston, and US Ambassador in France David T. Killion
-Houston, William Tower Gallery, Go West, Group exhibition with Texan and French artists.
-Château d’Avignon, France, Si Loin si Proches, Bêtes et Hommes, Château d’Avignon.
-Hybride, Douai, exhibition of two monumental pieces, Centrale Fermière Douai, France, with Service Mobile d’Animations Culturelles (SMAC).
-Grande Halle de La Villette, Bêtes et Hommes, co-curators Yolande Baccot and architect Patrick Bouchain.
- Musée de Saint Brieuc, Gardens, Collections of FRAC Bretagne et Alsace.
-CNEI, (Centre National de l’Estampe et de l’Image Imprimée) Chatou, France.
-Public commission for the creation of a book, with a grant from French Ministere of Culture.
2006 Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Saint-Denis, «Soixante Quatorze et un jour», Saint Denis, France.
-Galerie Marcolini-Artcore, Toronto, Canada.
2005: Institut culturel Français, Galeria Futura, Château Trebesice, «Collections sans Frontières V. Naturalia. Un choix d’œuvres des FRAC du Grand Est », Prague
-Galleria Civica d´Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, Collections Turin.
XN Editions, Paris, edition de 30 poufs/sculptures Soft Esther Williams.
2004 Galerie Marcolini-Artcore, Toronto, monumental textile Installation for the FIAC, Paris.
2003 Galerie d’Art Contemporain, City Hall, Corps Inventés. Besançon, France.
-Gallway Art Festival, Ireland, Installation of a 6 part fiberglass Esther Williams2 monumental sculpture in the river, curator, Bridget Harte.
-Galerie Eloge de l’Ombre, Z’Animaux, Uzès, France.
2002: -Fondation pour L'art Contemporain, Claudine et Jean-Marc Salomon, Alex.
-Nicolai Fine Arts, “Sugar and Spices and Everything”, New York.
-La Galerie des Galeries, Galeries Lafayettes, “Courant d’Air, Courants d’Arts”, Paris.
- Galerie Nathalie Obadia, Collection 1, Œuvres sur papier, de Carole Benzaken à Nicola Tyson, Paris
-Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain, Musée du Château de Montbéliard, «Les fleurs dans l’art contemporain, Montbéliard.
2001 -Foundation Daniel & Florence Gerlain, Y’ a de la Joie, edition of a catalogue, Paris.
-Centre d’Art de Centre d'art de Tanlay, curator and director Jacques Py exhibition in Vallery (Yonne).
2000 -Galerie Frank "Humour ou Ironie", Curator Gilles Fuchs, Paris.
-Galerie Theatre National de Bretagne, Here you can Touch, Rennes, France.
1998 -Espace Electra, Paris, Jeu de Genres, curator Camille Morineau, Paris.
-Collection Fonds National d’Art Contemporain, Amiens France.
1996 Musee d’Art Moderne, Paris, Passion Privées, Curator, Suzanne Pagé.
-Open Space Gallery, Amsterdam, Containers. Installation of 16 works
-The School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Gallery II, The presence of the Touch, Curator Anne Wilson.
-Le Monde de l’Art, Paris, Etrangères au Paradis. Curator Michel Nuridsany.
1994 Die Remise, Vienna, Café de Paris, performance : Bêtes Galantes, Austria.
1991 Musee de la poste, Paris, Les Couleurs de l’Argent, curator Jean Michel Ribettes.


1997 - 1998 Diplôme Études Approfondies en Arts Plastiques (DEA), UFR Arts Plastiques, Paris 1, La Sorbonne.
1991 - Institut des Hautes Etudes en Arts Plastiques, Paris, Director Pontus Hulten
1986 - 1988 Yale University, Master of Fine Arts
1983 - 1986 Oklahoma University Bachelor of Fine Arts, Sculpture
1981 - 1983 Préparation École Normale Supérieure, Arts Appliqués, Toulouse.
1983 - Septième place, Concours d‘entrée École Normale Supérieure, Arts Appliqués. Cachan.


2011 Billowing of Beauty, the Lab Gallery New York City, nominated best show in a commercial Gallery by AICA (American Art Critic Association).
2007 Commission of Ministery of French Culture Hors Commerce, creation of an artist book with writer Marie Darrieusecq, Trois p'tits Tours Chez les Vivants ».
2006 public commission for Strasbourg Hospital. Creation of an environment for three spaces in the hospital obstetric facilities. Collaboration with Architects Lemercier-Bona.
2004 Grant for production of Paris Nuit Blanche, Cabane Gourmande, monumental installation with collaboration on pastries (macaroons) created by Chef Chocolatier Jean Paul Hevin for the opening night.
Commission Grant, FRAC Seine St Denis, for 2 floating sculptures, "Esther Williams 1 et 2" La Courneuve, France.
2003 Public commission, Museum of Luxembourg, for production of inflatable sculptures, Manche à Air Male and Manche à Air Femelle..
-Private commission, Collection Jean Marc Salomon for 1000 holes bronze Fontain Love me Tender for Château d’Alex, Annecy, France.
2002 Public commission Département of Essonne France for an aluminium floating sculpture, Truie Nénuphar,for Chamarande Departemental Domain, France.
2001 FRAC Alsace commission for Accordion Flower.
2000 Pollock-Krasner grant.
1995 Commission FNAC (Fonds national Contemporain) for sculpture Passionaria.
1992 Grand for Emerging Artists Création, Musée d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Ateliers 92
1991 Bourse d’études Institut des Hautes Etudes en Arts Plastiques, directeur Pontus Hulten..
1986/88 Scholarship d’études Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut.
1984/86 Scholarship Oklahoma University


(2000 – 2012) Jury Membre committee Premier Regard (With Gilles Fuchs, Henry Jobbié Duval, Jean Luc Monterosso, …) Association for the emerging young artist's promotion.
(2003 – 2012) Professeur, Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs, Paris
-Tenure professeur, Ecole Nationale des Arts Decoratifs, Paris.
-Intervention/performance les Jeudi’s, Centre Pompidou with curator Florence Morat around the Museum Collections, with students from School of the Institute of Chicago (with professeur Bambi Breakstone), and ENSAD (Ecole des Arts décoratifs, Paris).
- La Sorbonne Paris, Cycle de conferences, Le CERAP, Curator Richard Conte
-Seoul Capital of the Arts & design. Guest artist with Students from ENSAD. Participation for the 2010 Fashion Show in the Olympic stadium.
-Guest Artist, Fashion/Art/design workshop, the University of Cincinnati, Fashion and Art department.
- One semester visiting artist, Intervention/Workshop with Master of Fine Arts & Bachelor of Fine Arts students, University of Texas and San Antonio Museum of Art. Performance/intervention at SAMA (San Antonio Museum of Art) Texas
-Performance/ creation of costumes for Musée du Quai Branly with ENSAD (Ecole Nationale Superieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris, around the museum colletions..
-School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Gest artist for workshop diplomas (Bachelor Of Fine Arts), Fashion Design.,
-,Guest artist,conference Entretiens sur L’Art with art critic Catherine Francblin, Fondation pour l’Art contemporain Ricard Paris. L’Ironie a t’elle un Sexe.
-Intervention/performance les Jeudi’s. Centre Pompidou, Curator Florence Morat around exhibition Le mouvement des Images with students from ENSAD and Conservatoire National de la Danse, Paris.
1999 - 2003 Professeur, Ecole Regionale des Beaux arts, Rennes
1998-1999 Professeur , ENSBA (Ecole Nationale des Beaux Arts de Paris),Sculpture.
1997 The School of The Institute of Chicago, Guest artist with Erwin Wurm, participation to workshop The Presence of the Touch Departement Fiber and Textiles.
1996 Participation et intervention au Symposium Fibres et Textiles University of Montréal & Concordia, Canada
1990 - 95 Professeur Parsons School of Design, Sculpture Department.
1988 teaching Assistant, professeur Erwin Hauer, Yale University.


Personal Website :

Anne Ferrer On Youtube

la Vie en Rose a performance/installation, Le Sacre Cœur Paris.

Billowing Beauty, Lab Gallery, Lexington Avenue, New York City.

Country Wave: Blue Star Texas

2011 New York Arts magazine

2009 Salomon Fondation, France

2011 Douai Observer,

2008 Paris Arts Com

2011 Saachi-on-line, Anne Ferrer William Corwin’s